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1. 引言

WeRISE App 由香港大學擁有 (亦可稱「大學」、「WeRISE App」或「我們」)。WeRISE根據香港法例第486 章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(「條例」),致力於尊重WeRISE App的用戶、訪客和其他公共用戶的私隱權。我們訂定了此政策(「私隱政策」),旨在使您在訪問和使用WeRISE App時給您帶來信心,並表明我們對公平信息慣例和保護私隱的承諾。本私隱政策僅適用於WeRISE App,不適用於您可能從WeRISE App或WeRISE App合作夥伴的任何網站連結的任何其他網站。每個網站可能都有數據收集、儲存和使用慣例,與本私隱政策不盡相同的政策。您對WeRISE App的使用受本私隱政策和使用條款的約束。

2. 流量數據收集

當您使用WeRISE App時,我們會自動跟蹤並收集以下類別的信息:(1) IP地址;(2) 域服務器;(3) 訪問WeRISE App的移動設備類型;(4) 將您連結到WeRISE App的引薦來源;及 (5) 與您的瀏覽器和WeRISE App的交互相關的其他信息(統稱為「流量數據」)。

3. 個人信息收集

為了使您能夠訪問WeRISE App的某些區域,我們可能會要求您向我們提供某些可以識別您身份的信息(「個人信息」)。個人信息包括以下幾類信息:(1) 聯繫人數據(例如您的電子郵件地址、電話號碼和WeRISE App密碼);(2) 人口統計資料(例如您的性別和出生日期);(3) 醫療數據(例如您的血壓水平、血糖水平、醫療檢查、檢查原因和檢查日期、藥物,以及您選擇與我們共享的其他醫療信息)。如果您通過電子郵件或信件與我們通信,則此類通信中提供的任何信息都可能被收集為個人信息。除以下情況外,我們不會收集個人信息:

  • 為合法目的收集與WeRISE App的功能或活動直接相關的個人信息

  • 為此目的或與其直接相關的個人信息收集是必要的

  • 個人信息相對於該目的而言是適當的,但不是過多的

4. 互動工具及已安裝工具

我們還會收集其他信息,其中一些可能是您自願選擇提供的WeRISE App互動工具和服務(「互動工具」)(例如,搜索您所在位置附近的資源)時自願提供給我們的個人信息。我們還會在WeRISE App的自由格式文本框中、以及通過對調查、問卷調查等的答覆來收集您自願提供的信息。 WeRISE App上的一些免費的互動工具會要求您提供與健康相關的個人信息。您可以選擇使用通過WeRISE App應用程序提供的某些服務,這些服務要求您在移動設備上下載並安裝軟件(「已安裝工具」)。已安裝的工具可能會從您的移動設備收集和傳輸與已安裝的工具有關的信息,並為您提供相關服務,例如當用戶登錄、更新或通知,即會通知WeRISE App。

5. 網際網路Cookies

「網際網路Cookies」是傳輸到您電腦硬盤上的小型電腦文件檔案,其中包括使用WeRISE App瀏覽網站時的用戶名稱、用戶喜好、訪問的頁面列表,以及進行的活動等信息。您可以自行決定阻止網際網路Cookies或從移動設備中刪除網際網路Cookies,並承擔費用和承擔責任。但是,通過禁用網際網路Cookies,您可能無法訪問WeRISE App的全部功能。

通常,我們使用網際網路Cookies來自定制您在WeRISE App上的體驗,並儲存您的密碼,因此您不必在每次訪問WeRISE App時都重新輸入密碼。

此外,我們的合作夥伴可能會使用網際網路Cookies向我們提供有關使用WeRISE App的匿名數據和信息。具體來說,由於您使用WeRISE App,我們的一些合作夥伴使用網際網路Cookies,在互聯網上的其他站點上顯示WeRISE App廣告。此類網際網路Cookies不包含任何個人信息。

我們的合作夥伴使用的其他網際網路Cookies可能會收集其他非個人識別信息,例如移動設備的IP地址、操作系統類型、瀏覽器類型、您查看過的網頁、您的互聯網服務提供商的地理位置,以及人口統計信息,例如性別和年齡範圍。該信息用於為WeRISE App提供有關我們用戶的人口統計和互聯網行為的更多信息。

但是,我們不會將儲存在這些網際網路Cookies中的信息直接連結到您在WeRISE App中提交的任何個人信息。

6. 網絡信標

在有限的情況下,我們還可能會使用「網絡信標」來收集有關您使用WeRISE App、部分贊助商和廣告商的網站,以及您使用我們發送給您的電子郵件、特別促銷或新聞通訊的匿名非個人信息。「網絡信標」是嵌入在網頁或電子郵件中的微小圖像文件,它們在網頁或電子郵件中提供狀態並從用戶的瀏覽器發送回其主服務器信息。網絡信標收集的信息使我們能夠有系統地監察有多少人在使用WeRISE App、選定的贊助商和廣告商的網站,或打開我們的電子郵件,以及目的。

7. 網站分析

我們可能會結合WeRISE App使用第三方網站分析服務。這些服務不會在不使用其服務的網站上跟蹤您的瀏覽習慣。我們正在使用從這些服務中收集的信息來發現可用性問題,以使WeRISE App更加易於使用。收集的數據將永遠無法識別您或您的帳戶。我們僅記錄匿名用戶信息。

8. 儲存


9. WeRISE App對您信息的使用

我們可能會使用您的聯繫數據向您發送有關WeRISE App或服務的信息,旨在在必要時與您聯繫,包括提醒您即將到來或後續的檢查或活動,以及與某些互動工具一起使用的信息。我們可能會使用您在WeRISE App的人口統計數據、流量數據或醫療數據、在電子郵件和其他通訊中,根據您的喜好定制並顯示我們認為您可能感興趣的內容。

10. 信息共享

我們會按照本私隱政策中所述方式,共享從您那裡收集的某些類別的信息。我們只能在綜合(即非個人身份)的層面上,與廣告客戶和其他第三方共享人口特徵數據。我們還有可能與合作夥伴共享個人信息和流量數據,這些合作夥伴通過執行與WeRISE App操作相關的核心服務(例如網絡寄存、履行或數據儲存和安全性)和/或通過向我們提供某些互動工具。這些合作夥伴必須遵守我們在本私隱政策中向您承諾的相同安全性和保密性標準,並且他們將僅使用您的聯繫數據和其他個人信息來履行對WeRISE App的特定義務。WeRISE App不會與任何第三方共享,出售,出租或交易您的個人信息,以達致他們的促銷目的。

11. 用戶選擇

您可以選擇不向我們提供任何個人信息。在這種情況下,您仍然可以訪問和使用WeRISE App的大部分內容;但是,您將無法訪問和使用WeRISE App中需要您個人信息的部分。

12. 保密和安全性

除非本私隱政策中另有規定,否則我們將對您的個人信息保密,並且不會與第三方共享。除非我們真誠地認為有必要披露您的個人信息或我們收集的有關您的任何其他信息,以(1)遵守法院命令或其他法律程序;(2) 保護WeRISE App或另一方的權利,財產或安全;(3) 執行我們的使用條款;或(4) 回應有關任何發佈或其他內容侵犯了第三方權利的主張。

13. 公開信息


14. 安全

您的個人信息的安全性對我們很重要。我們遵循公認的行業標準來保護在傳輸過程中以及一旦我們接收到的個人信息。例如,當您在WeRISE App中輸入敏感信息時,我們將使用安全通訊端層(SSL)和區塊鏈技術對該信息進行加密。


15. 遺失或失竊的信息


16. 私隱政策的更新和變更


17. 控制您的個人信息

作為WeRISE App的註冊用戶,您可以修改個人資料中包含的某些個人信息,或者通過登錄和訪問帳戶來更改用戶名。根據您的要求,WeRISE App將儘力刪除您的帳戶和個人資料中的個人信息;但是,如果WeRISE App保留一些剩餘信息,則可能無法刪除您的帳戶。希望關閉其帳戶的註冊用戶,請電郵至

18. 連結到其他網站

WeRISE App包含與WeRISE App沒有關聯的第三方網站的連結。 WeRISE App不會與這些網站共享您的個人信息,並且對其私隱政策不承擔任何責任。如果您決定訪問這些第三方網站,建議您閱讀其私隱政策。

19. 準確性和保留期限


20. 適用法律


21. 聯絡我們















© WeRISE 2020年版權所有。


Privacy Policy


WeRISE App is owned by The University of Hong Kong (the “University”, “WeRISE App”, “We” or “Us”).  WeRISE is committed to respecting the privacy rights of our users, visitors, and other public users of the WeRISE App in accordance with Hong Kong’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (“PDPO”). We created this policy (“Privacy Policy”) to give you confidence as you visit and use the WeRISE App, and to demonstrate our commitment to fair information practices and the protection of privacy. This Privacy Policy is only applicable to the WeRISE App, and not to any other websites that you may be able to access from the WeRISE App or any website of WeRISE App partners, each of which may have data collection, storage, and use practices and policies that differ materially from this Privacy Policy. Your use of the WeRISE App is governed by this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.


We automatically track and collect the following categories of information when you use the WeRISE App: (1) IP addresses; (2) domain servers; (3) types of mobile device accessing the WeRISE App; (4) referring source which may have sent you to the WeRISE App; and (6) other information associated with the interaction of your browser and the WeRISE App (collectively “Traffic Data”).


In order for you to access certain areas of the WeRISE App, we may require you to provide us with certain information that personally identifies you (“Personal Information”). Personal Information includes the following categories of information: (1) Contact Data (such as your name, e-mail address, phone number and WeRISE App password); (2) Demographic Data (such as your gender and your date of birth); (3) Medical Data (such as your blood pressure level, glucose level, medical appointments, your reason for visit and your date of visit, medications, and other medical information you choose to share with us). If you communicate with us by, for example, e-mail or letter, any information provided in such communication may be collected as Personal Information. Personal Information shall not be collected unless:

  • The Personal Information is collected for a lawful purpose directly related to a function or activity of WeRISE App

  • The collection of Personal Information is necessary for or directly related to that purpose

  • The Personal Information is adequate but not excessive in relation to that purpose


We also collect other information, some of which may be Personal Information that you voluntarily provide to us when you choose to use some of the WeRISE App’s interactive tools and services (“Interactive Tools”), such as searching for Resources nearby your location. We also collect information you provide voluntarily in free-form text boxes on the WeRISE App and through responses to surveys, questionnaires and the like. Some of the free Interactive Tools on our WeRISE App ask you for health-related Personal Information. You may elect to use certain Services available through the WeRISE App that require you to download and install software on your mobile device (“Installed Tools”). The Installed Tools may collect and transmit information from your mobile device solely relating to use of the Installed Tools and for the purpose of providing you the relevant Services, for example, by informing WeRISE App when a user is logged on and available to receive update or alert notices.


“Cookies” are small computer files that are transferred to your computer's hard drive that contain information such as user ID, user preferences, lists of pages visited and activities conducted while using the WeRISE App to browse websites. At your option, expense and responsibility, you may block cookies or delete cookies from your mobile devise. However, by disabling cookies, you may not have access to the entire set of features of the WeRISE App.

Generally, we use “cookies” to customize your experience on our WeRISE App and to store your password so you do not have to re-enter it each time you visit the WeRISE App.

In addition, our partners may use cookies to provide us with anonymous data and information regarding the use of our WeRISE App. Specifically, some of our partners use cookies to show WeRISE App ads on other sites on the internet as a result of you using the WeRISE App. Such cookies do not contain any Personal Information.

Other cookies used by our partners may collect other non-personally identifying information, such as the mobile device’s IP address, type of operating system, type of browser, what web pages were viewed at what time, the geographic location of your internet service provider and demographic information, such as gender and age range. This information is used to provide WeRISE App with more information about our users’ demographics and internet behaviors.

We do not link the information stored in these cookies directly to any of your Personal Information you submit while on the WeRISE App, however.


In limited circumstances we also may use “Web Beacons” to collect anonymous, non-personal information about your use of our WeRISE App and the sites of selected sponsors and advertisers, and your use of emails, special promotions or newsletters we send to you. “Web Beacons” are tiny graphic image files imbedded in a web page or email that provide a presence on the web page or email and send back to its home server information from the user’s browser. The information collected by web beacons allows us to statistically monitor how many people are using the WeRISE App and selected sponsors' and advertisers' sites, or opening our emails, and for what purposes.


We may use third party website analytics services in connection with the WeRISE App.  The third-party website analytics will not track your browsing habits across any websites that are not using their services. We are using the information collected from these services to find usability problems to make the WeRISE App easier to use. The collected data will never identify you or your account. We only record anonymous user information.


We store all Traffic Data and review postings indefinitely, even after “deletion,” and may archive such information elsewhere. We store all Personal Information until you request that we modify or delete it, in which case we may still wind up retaining some of that information for the reasons described in Section 17 below.


We may use your Contact Data to send you information about WeRISE App or Services, to contact you when necessary, including to remind you of upcoming or follow-up appointments, and in conjunction with your use of certain Interactive Tools. We may use your Demographic Data, your Traffic Data or your Medical Data to customize and tailor your experience on the WeRISE App, in emails and in other communications, displaying content that we think you might be interested in and according to your preferences.


We share certain categories of information we collect from you in the ways described in this Privacy Policy. We may share Demographic Data with advertisers and other third parties only on an aggregate (i.e., non-personally identifiable) basis. We also share Personal Information and Traffic Data with our partners who assist us by performing core services (such as hosting, fulfillment, or data storage and security) related to our operation of the WeRISE App and/or by making certain Interactive Tools available to our users. Those partners shall be bound to uphold the same standards of security and confidentiality that we have promised to you in this Privacy Policy, and they will only use your Contact Data and other Personal Information to carry out their specific obligations to WeRISE App. WeRISE App does not share, sell, rent or trade your Personal Information with any third parties for their promotional purposes.


You may choose not to provide us with any Personal Information. In such an event, you can still access and use much of the WeRISE App; however, you will not be able to access and use those portions of the WeRISE App that require your Personal Information.


Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, we will keep your Personal Information private and will not share it with third parties, unless we believe in good faith that disclosure of your Personal Information or any other information we collect about you is necessary to: (1) comply with a court order or other legal process; (2) protect the rights, property or safety of WeRISE App or another party; (3) enforce our Terms of Use; or (4) respond to claims that any posting or other content violates the rights of third-parties.


Any information that you may reveal in a review posting or other online discussion or forum is intentionally open to the public and is not in any way private. You should think carefully before disclosing any personally identifiable information in any public forum. What you have written may be seen and/or collected by third parties and may be used by others in ways we are unable to control or predict.


The security of your Personal Information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. For example, when you enter sensitive information on our WeRISE App, we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and Blockchain technology.

Although we make good faith efforts to store Personal Information in a secure operating environment that is not open to the public, you should understand that there is no such thing as complete security, and we do not guarantee that there will be no unintended disclosures of your Personal Information. If we become aware that your Personal Information has been disclosed in a manner not in accordance with this Privacy Policy, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you of the nature and extent of the disclosure (to the extent we know that information) as soon as reasonably possible and as permitted by law.


You must promptly notify us if your Contact Data is lost, stolen, or used without permission. In such an event, we will remove that Contact Data from your account and update our records accordingly.


We reserve the right, at any time, to add to, change, update, or modify this Privacy Policy so please review it frequently. If we do, then we will notify you here, as well as by posting a notice on our Website and/or by e-mailing you, along with a description of any changes (material or otherwise) and, where appropriate, a link to the modified policy so that you can review it. In all cases, use of information we collect is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected.


As a registered user of the WeRISE App, you can modify some of the Personal Information you have included in your profile or change your username by logging in and accessing your account. Upon your request, WeRISE App will use reasonable efforts to delete your account and the Personal Information in your profile; however, it may be impossible to remove your account without some residual information being retained by WeRISE App. Registered users who wish to close their account should contact


The WeRISE App contains links to third party websites to which WeRISE App has no affiliation. WeRISE App does not share your personal information with those websites and is not responsible for their privacy practices. Should you decide to visit one of these third-party websites, we suggest that you read its privacy policy.


We will at all times endeavour to ensure the accuracy of your Personal Information collected and processed by us. In accordance with section 18,22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 to the PDPO, you may request access to, and correction of, your Personal Information being held by us. To request access to your Personal Information, please contact us at A reasonable fee may be charged for all data access or related requests. The Personal Information you provided to us will be retained for such period as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes referred to in this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 


If you have any comments, concerns or questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Provisions relating to individual based in the EU

If you are based in the EU, you have a number of additional legal rights in relation to the personal information that we hold about you. These rights include:

Right to obtain certain information:  
You have a right to obtain certain information about our processing, including: the purposes of processing the data; the categories of Personal Information processed; the recipients who receive your Personal Information; how long we store your Personal Information or the criteria we apply to determine retention periods; information on the source of the data where it is not collected directly from you; information on the safeguards we use to secure cross-border transfers; and whether we use automated decision making.


Right to receive a copy (data portability):
You have a right to receive a copy of any Personal Information which we process about you, in a commonly used and machine-readable format. This extends to the right to request that we transmit your Personal Information to another data controller, where technically possible. Please note that there may be circumstances in which we are entitled to refuse requests for access to copies of personal information.


Right of erasure:
You have a right to request the erasure of your Personal Information in certain circumstances (including where it is no longer necessary for us to retain your Personal Information for the purposes for which we collected it; or where you withdraw your consent).

Right to restrict data processing:
You have a right to restrict the processing of your Personal Information in certain circumstances (including where you contest the accuracy of the data).

Right to object to data processing:
You have a right to object to the processing of your Personal Information in certain circumstances (i.e. for direct marketing purposes or for statistical purposes).

Right to withdraw your consent:
You have a right to withdraw your consent at any time, although this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before the withdrawal.

Right to lodge a complaint:
You have a right to raise a complaint with the relevant data protection authority, if you think that any of your rights have been infringed by us.

Right to not be subject to automated decision-making:
You have the right not to be subject to automated decision-making in relation to your Personal Information. We can confirm that we do not use automated decision-making.

Right to be notified of a data security breach:
You have a right to be notified in the event of a personal data breach which is likely to result in a high risk to your rights.

Last Updated on Oct 23, 2020.
Copyright © WeRISE 2020 All Rights Reserved.

© 風起航 2025

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